

Revision as of 07:46, 2 October 2014 by Hark (talk | contribs) (→‎Terminal)


Abilities are things that a single character can do. They will state how long they take and if you need to spend stamina to use them. They all require appropriate roleplaying.


Armour refers to protective equipment made from padded cloth, leather or metal. Any character can gain 2 hits by wearing any armour that covers their torso. Characters that have bought the Armour skill can benefit from heavier types of armour. Read more..

Bleed Time/Bleed Count

Bleed time and bleed count both refer to the time a character must spend dying before becoming terminal. Some rituals and wounds can change this for the better or worse.


A call is a sequence of words that has a special meaning in the game rules. Please see the calls section of the website, where the calls are defined; it is important that a player knows how to react to at least the damage calls and simple effect calls.

Character (PC)

When you LARP you invent a character according to a series of rules and then you pretend to be them. You can have several characters at once (though you can only play one at a time!) but most people prefer to have a main character who they focus on. Your character does not have to be anything like you, even down to gender and species, although many of the most successful characters have been very similar to their players.


Downtime is the time that elapses in the gameworld between interactives. As well as any roleplaying that occurs during this time, it is possible to perform certain actions. For more info see Downtime.


A character is dying if they have lost all of their hits. They can take no IC action other than talking/yelling, they also cannot resist any action done to them. A character ceases dying if they regain hits. After 120 seconds dying a character becomes terminal. Read more...





See the churches and the gods pages.


Hits, or hit points, represent the amount of physical punishment someone or something can take before becoming dying. Characters may gain more hits by purchasing the Hits skill or the Armour skill.


In Character. Anything which would be perceptible to anyone in the world of No Flag No Country under any circumstances. Whenever you are pretending to be your character, you are IC.



A type of adventure where the encounters are laid out along a set route which the characters follow. Usually an NPC "character ref" accompanies them as a member of the character party to ensure they don't stray off course by accident or design.


Out Of Character. Anything which is not perceptible to anyone in the world of NFNC. Going OOC is denoted by raising one index finger in the air (visibly and obviously, please), and is in general discouraged in the middle of play except in emergencies.


A physical representation of an object (these are called "props" in the theatre). Debate exists over whether all props and costume are technically phys-reps, or only "pretend" items. Eg: a latex sword is clearly intended as a physical representation of a metal sword, but is a proper suit of reenactment-quality metal chainmail a "representation" or an actual suit of chain? Regardless of the outcome of this debate, they are all referred to as phys-reps. Communally-owned phys-reps are often stored in an armoury, even if they aren't weapons.


Reanimation: Brief the target “You are now a revenant for this encounter. You have X hits. Mindlessly attack the first target I command.”. Where X is determined by the skill you used to reanimate the target.


The Ref Team run the NFNC system; they try to provide all the relevant bits of the world not provided by characters. They can usually be identified by the high-viz jackets they wear while OOC.


Revenants are mobile bodies that are created by either the Necromancy profession tree or the Corpus mystic tree. For more information see Revenant.


Rule 7

Do Not Take The Piss. Rule 7 is the foundation of all interpretations of edge cases of the rules.



A supernaturally powerful blow, must be roleplayed and costs some stamina. Read more...




When a character becomes terminal nothing more can save them. The player can choose when the character dies, though no longer than the end of the next interactive. Read more...



Experience points are earned by adventuring and then spent on new skills for your character to reflect how their abilities improve over time. See character creation for information on how fast a character gains XP, and how to spend it.