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Revision as of 11:35, 29 September 2014 by Hark (talk | contribs) (→‎Introduction)

No Flag No Country: The Manual

Development notice

Apologies for the slow movement from the Gdoc to the wiki, our refs have been stuck with real-world things to write up. Most of the wiki is complete. There is currently enough to make a character from any Nation or Church and buy skills. We aim to have the Guild briefs and last stuff up as soon as possible. Until the new email addresses are sorted, please email any typos to


Welcome to Mat Sellah, a recently discovered land centred around a mysterious Portal to the Beyond. Once a week, the Quarantine Zone around the Portal is opened up so that anyone with Faction sponsorship may freely investigate the Portal.

Your PC is sufficiently trusted to be allowed unrestricted access during these times. The Delegations number a couple of hundred people from each Faction, and the Portal Camp contains roughly double that number of Guild professionals, sailors, fortune-seekers and so on.

You will get personal objectives sent to you from your factions, and completing these will put you in better standing and potentially get you more resources or responsibility.

You have been authorised to contact any settlements found on Mat Sellah and given an allowance for bribes, supplies, etc. Do well, and prestige and fortune will be yours. Fail, and at best you’ll get a cramped ride back on the next cargo ship...

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