Character Creation Mechanics: Difference between revisions


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===Basic Skills===
===Basic Skills===
{{#lsth:General_Rules|Player Character Specifics}}
{{#lsth:General_Rules|Player Character Specifics}}
===Buying New Skills===
===Buying New Skills===

Revision as of 17:46, 4 October 2014

This is a purely mechanical description of the requirements for building a character. For a more in depth guide on how to think about a character concept and build it into a character see How to Build a Character.

Faction Membership

  • Each Nation, Guild and Church is a Faction.
  • You can only be a member of one Faction.
  • You can play any race or national origin in any faction.
  • Your Faction has trained you in one Skill that they expect all ranking members to be proficient in. You have a 1 XP discount on every level of this skill. This means that L1 is free.


  • Pick one description of a trade or other skill. This was your PC’s specialist training or career before you became an agent for a Faction.
  • Examples: Archivist, Lawyer, Tracker, Sailor, Siege Engineer, Forger, Priest, Gambler.
  • This skill represents your background and history, and the refs may take this into account in appropriate situations.


Basic Skills

{{#lsth:General_Rules|Player Character Specifics}}

Buying New Skills

  • Every Skill costs Experience Points (XP) equal to its level
  • The Starting XP for a new PC is currently 48. Starting XP will increase by 1 per week.
  • Starting XP must be spent before the character enters play. Any unspent Starting XP is lost.
  • A starting character may not have any skill above L3. This restriction will be lifted over the course of the game.
  • Any character may buy any skill line. You can for example be an Ozgur in the Vendicsal Faction and have Magical Ability trained.
  • You must buy up numbered skills in order. So you require Will 1 to buy Will 2, and Will 2 to buy Will 3.

For a list of skills, visit Skills

Character Progression

  • Characters gain 1 XP per week. Characters that are played in a given week gain an additional 1 XP.
  • Characters may have a maximum of 60 XP.
  • L5 skills will need to be made available by PC action.

Sample Character Builds

Antiquarian’s Guild Ruins Raider
Hits: 8 in light armour Stamina: 4
  • Armour 1 (1)
  • Corpus 1 CURE 3 (1)
  • Force 1 KNOCKBACK (1)
  • Hits 2 (3)
  • Shield 2 (3)
  • Stamina 2 (3)
  • Trade 3 (3) (discount)
  • 4 Stamina
  • 1 Stamina for KNOCKBACK by melee blow.
  • CURE 3 by 5s vocal and focus, 1 Stamina.
  • Use a Shield.
  • 8 Hits in Light Armour
  • 64 Ducatto bonus income.
  • May send letters by Ritual.
  • May disperse rumours in downtime.
  • Gets a random item each week

Research Mage
Hits: 5 in armour Stamina: 6
  • 1 Stamina for 3 uses of KNOCKBACK over the next 10 seconds
  • 1 Stamina for DISARM to an object.
  • 2 Stamina for ranged ENTANGLE
  • 2 Stamina for ranged MAGIC TRIPLE
  • Orison for roleplay effects.
  • Can lead ritual to transfer Effects
  • Can Transmute water into other liquids
  • Can lead a Ritual to charge up energy for controlled explosions

Democracy Guard
Hits: 7 in a Breastplate Stamina: 5 in a Breastplate
  • Armour 1 (1)
  • Force 1 Strike: KNOCKBACK (1)
  • Force 2 Strike: DISARM (2)
  • Health 1 (1)
  • Meta-Rituals 2 (1) (discount)
  • Stamina 3 (6)
  • Two Handed 2 (3)
  • 1 CRUSH resist whilst in a Breastplate.
  • Can use a stab-safe spear, or a non-stab safe, or a two-handed weapon.
  • Strike: KNOCKBACK, 1 Stamina
  • Strike: DISARM, 2 Stamina
  • Can spend 1 Stamina to Analyze a ritual or person, gauging their Stamina
  • Can perform a Ritual to call DISRUPT once per 10 seconds while stationary or walking.

Explorer Church Surgeon

Healing 3(6) Stamina 3(6) Corpus 1 CURE 2 (1), Corpus 2 RESTORE (2), Knowledge 1 (Free!)*

  • Free CURE or RESTORE given 30s.
  • 6 Stamina
  • CURE or RESTORE by 5s vocal by focus, 1 Stamina.
  • Determine at least the Strength of an Effect on someone.
  • CURE 1 to a dying PC with 10s RP
  • Determine Hits or Wounds on a PC with 10s RP
  • Suppress up to 4 levels of Wounds
  • Heal CRUSH or Hits with appropriate RP in a non-stressful situation.
  • Remove all Wounds in a medical venue with 5 min roleplay.

Aspirant Church Scout

Ranged 3(6), Movement 1 KNOCKBACK (1), Movement 2 ENTANGLE (2), Stamina 2 (3), Armour 1 (1) Hits 1(1), Necromancy 2 (1) *

  • 4 Stamina.
  • Instant KNOCKBACK by Focus, 1 Stamina.
  • ENTANGLE by 5s vocal by Focus, 2 Stamina.
  • 7 Hits in Light Armour.
  • Can reanimate a body for 1 Stamina given 30 seconds. Rises on 1 Hit, SINGLE.
  • Can cooperate to reanimate a body with more hits or as a more useful minion.
  • Can use a bow or crossbow for TRIPLE CRUSH STRIKEDOWN
  • Can throw javelins for TRIPLE STRIKEDOWN or small weapons for SINGLE

Hegemony Enforcer

Health 2 (3) Armour 2 (3) Stamina 3 (6) Force 1 Strike: KNOCKBACK (1), Force 2 Strike: STRIKEDOWN (2). Talismancy 1 (Free)*

  • 9 hits, 1 CRUSH resist, whilst in Metal Armour
  • 4 Stamina,
  • Strike: KNOCKBACK, 1 Stamina
  • Strike: STRIKEDOWN, 2 Stamina
  • Make a Talisman of any skill under 2 Stamina.
  • Salvage a Talisman for parts.

Celebrant Church Alchemist

Psychomancy 3(3)*, Transmutation 2 (3), Stamina 3(6), Corpus 1 CURE 2 (1), Force 1 Strike: KNOCKBACK (1), Shield 1.

  • 6 Stamina
  • 5 Hits in Light Armour.
  • May use a buckler up to 15” wide.
  • CURE by touch, 1 Stamina.
  • KNOCKBACK by Strike, 1 Stamina
  • Induce Emotion by 10 seconds talking- 1 Stamina
  • Create Light, Ignite, etc.
  • Transmute water into various useful liquids.
  • Move effects from one target to another.
  • Create drugs and emotional poisons, 2 Stamina plus 1 per extra..
  • Make someone talkative or give an Effect, object or animal a voice for a while for 2 Stamina
  • Ritual of give everyone a 1-shot Inflict Emotion effect.

Alfar Reaver

Stamina 2 (3), Armour 1 (1), Hits 2 (3), Ambidextrous (1) , Force 1.2 & 3 (6), Biomancy 1-Arcane Mark (Free!)*, Trade Deals (1)

  • 4 Stamina
  • 1 stamina KNOCKBACK(Strike)
  • 2 stamina DISARM
  • 3 Stamina TRIPLE
  • Use a weapon in each hand
  • 8 Hits in Full Light Armour
  • Mark an unresisting target.
  • 64 Ducatto bonus income.
  • Can send rumours.

Builder Church Priest

Stamina 3 (6), Will 3 (3)*, Psychomancy 1 (1), Movement 1 STRIKEDOWN (1), Movement 1 KNOCKBACKx3 (1), Movement 2 Insta MASS KNOCKBACK (2), Corpus 1 CURE 3 (1)

  • 6 Stamina
  • 5 Hits in Armour
  • 1 Stamina STRIKEDOWN
  • 1 Stamina KNOCKBACK to any 3 targets
  • 1 Stamina CURE 3 by touch
  • 2 Stamina instant MASS KNOCKBACK
  • Inspire a companion
  • Bond together a group
  • Lead a group of people to defend a location (knockback cannon)
  • Reward obedience with Stamina.
  • Induce emotion by 10s of talking and 1 stamina