History of the Aspirant Church


The Church of Aspirant is quite divided in many ways, with different sects having different opinions on perfection. With necromancy ranging from accepted to outlawed across the Continent, often these sects are small, deniable organisations led by a charismatic leader. During the War of Igimund’s Rift, several of these groups attacked supposed centres of Demonology near the Rift with hordes of undead, killing all within. Aspirant worshippers are often treated with a degree of suspicion due to these “unorthodox” splinter groups.

The Most High Lady Kuelomaari carved out a home in a Forest, living as much in harmony with the trees as possible. All who fled from nearby heavy taxation were given shelter with her, so long as when they died they rose again to help protect her land. For this service, Aspirant inspired her with the ability to bless her faithful, that as soon as they died they rose again to strike down their killer.