Wounds and Dying


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When a character is hit by an attack, they lose a certain number of Hits. Nothing can silence a character short of killing them.


If your character reaches 0 Hits, you should fall to the floor. Your character is now Dying.

A Dying character who receives a Cure call ceases to be Dying, as they regain hits.

Someone who is Dying can neither move under their own power nor take any IC action except talking. A Dying character cannot resist any action taken on them.


After spending 120 seconds Dying, a character becomes Terminal. They cannot be saved by any means, and the player may choose when the character dies. A character may only remain Terminal until the end of the next interactive.

A Terminal character who receives a CURE call is able to walk but is otherwise treated as Dying. If they take any damage, they should fall over until they receive another CURE.


Someone who is not actively resisting can be executed with 10 seconds spent roleplaying delivering an obvious deathblow to the target.

Someone who is not actively resisting can be given a Wound instead of completely being executed. This takes 10 seconds


If your PC becomes Dying, either a Ref will come over to you or you should remind a Ref at the end of the Encounter. You will then receive an appropriate Wound card with 8 levels of Wounds on it.

  • The Wound Level starts at L1 and goes up each time your PC becomes Dying.
  • Your character suffers the penalty of the Wound Level they are at, plus all Levels below that.
  • If you exceed L8 on a Wound Card, see the refs for a new Wound Card.
  • All Wound penalties stack, but no Wound penalty can reduce a character's Maximum Hits below 1, their Stamina below 0 or their Bleed Time below 30s.
  • Wounds may also be handed out at Ref discretion.
  • Wounds heal naturally over time, and a PC loses 2 Wounds at the end of each Interactive.
  • Wounds may by physical or mental, this has no effect on the skill needed to treat them.