The Hegemony religion


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Religiously the Hegemony is largely a Builder worshipping group, although the Aspirant’s followers find much support here for their skill at providing tireless servants to the community. With their shared distaste for Strangers, the two churches retain a level of respect for each other uncommon elsewhere, and followers of both often to train each other in their preferred Rituals for the greater good of the Hegemony.

The Celebrant Church is mainly focused around fertility rites, of every kind. The Explorer church is rather under-represented, as they tend to find most acceptance running small, practical libraries, rather than the hands-on observation and research that the Church values most. One or two of the more rural communities in the Hegemony are loath to accept any gods at all and will simply ignore the topic, wilfully if forced. ‘What good ‘ave gods ever done us? Me pig works much harder for me than any God ever ‘as’ is a relatively common mantra amongst such communities. Such groups are often seen as an embarrassment by Builder missionaries, who try exasperatedly to get them to understand that the reason that they can suddenly pull their plough better than before is because the Builder has blessed them, NOT because they got a better night’s sleep than usual.