Guild of Mages


Revision as of 15:39, 6 October 2014 by Jim (talk | contribs)

The Guild of Mages is at the foremost organisation in the research of paradigms and their theoretical backgrounds. Members of the guild range from arcanists controlling the flows of energy in the world, through potion brewing alchemists to enlightened martial sages for whom understanding of the world and mastery of the body are one and the same. Together they strive to learn all they can of the mysteries of the world and their mastery of the power to change it.

Faction Skill: Transmutation

Faction Symbol: An eye

History and Motivations

The Guild of Mages started in the Hegemony when the Army decided that Mages would be far more useful in a military role if they could actually be persuaded to agree on something. The level of success this has had is arguable. On the one hand, the Hegemony does extremely well out of being the centre of magical learning. On the other hand, after centuries of research, Mages still can’t determine the most efficient belief to make use of your Paradigm.

They were shepherded into the treaty by the Hegemony, who believed that they would be able to control it by funnelling members of a Hegemony mage guild into it and therefore have more power internationally than they should otherwise. This hasn’t particularly worked, as the members of the Guild tend to be more insular and dedicated to their research or advancement of their own Paradigm than their original Nation. Due to the Treaty they are immune to prosecution for refusing aid to their once-sovereign Nations, and this suits them fine.


Due to the nature of the Paradigms each Mage has, they can be quite fractitious- the only thing they’re bound to agree on is that they should test their theses out via direct experimentation and application of stronger Paradigms via increased participation. In general, they tend to have an elemental theory of existence, with many mages viewing their Paradigm as being that they have control over one of these elements.

They’re interested in the Portal because, as a tremendous source of power, it can be used to research Paradigms. They feel they’re the Faction who have the most right to the Portal as they are acting for a pure aim- that of furthering the entire World’s understanding in a pan-national manner.

Beyond that, there is a great deal of interest in Mat Sellah itself from the Mages. The castaway populace have a large number of Mages, often with Cantrips unheard of in the larger community. The first scouts delving into the ruins, amidst mentions of great statues and horrific Golems, have also come back with etchings with diagrams detailing other cantrips- the writing itself difficult to decipher, but the diagrams of “Create Water” and “Extinguish” being almost identical to those used in Teaching within the Guild.


Guild or Church costume features are those that add to the base look of the culture your Agent belongs to.

Fashions and styles within the Guild of Mages:

  • Decorative armour, not necessarily functional. Single pieces of plate on otherwise light armour, for example.
  • Excessive numbers of things relevant to their Paradigm.
  • Eye symbols.
  • Strongly-applied makeup or warpaint on or around a single eye is popular.


  • Looking like a Fantasy Wizard unless you're from the Democracy or it suits the Paradigm your PC has chosen. "I am a Wizard and I have a Magic Wand of Power" is a popular but by no means universal theme. Dress to your character's particular obsession.

The Guild of Mages in five points:

They are here for power and proof
The Guild relentlessly seeks and new (or old and lost) ways to manipulate reality.
Your way is the best way
Whatever Paradigm you’ve come up with is clearly the best means to do the things you want to do with Magic. Prove it.
The strange magics of the ruins are secrets waiting to be exploited
The prevalence of Demons is a clue to something. It’s up to you to discover it.
Capturing something to be examined later is always better than destroying it now.
Preserve unusual things so that you can study them.
Who people are and where they are from is unimportant
What they believe is what is most important.